Rayakan Ultah Eril Ke-25, Ridwan Kamil Beri Doa dan Bacakan Yasin di Sungai Aare Swiss

Selasa 25-06-2024,14:30 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

Di sela kegiatannya, Eril memutuskan untuk menikmati suasana dan juga alam dengan berenang di sungai Aare. Tak sendiri, Eril berenang bersama saudaranya, namun nahas Eril harus hanyut terbawa arus deras sungai saat sedang berenang.

Sungai Aare, tempat di mana Eril menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya, kini menjadi saksi bisu dari doa dan penghormatan yang dilakukan oleh Ridwan Kamil. Kepergian Eril tentu meninggalkan duka yang mendalam bagi keluarga dan teman-temannya. 

Meski telah dua tahun kepergian Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz, namun Ridwan Kamil tetap mengenang sang putra dalam memori indahnya.


English Version:

Celebrating Eril's 25th Birthday, Ridwan Kamil Gives Prayers and Reads Yasin on the Aare River in Switzerland

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - On Mendian's birthday his eldest son, Ridwan Kamil, Governor of West Java who is also known as Kang Emil, did something very special.

He sent prayers and recited Yasin to Emmeril Kahm Mumtadz alias Eril, on the Aare River, Bern, Switzerland.

The Aare River is the place where Eril drowned and died tragically when he intended to swim.

In uploading Ridwan Kamil's personal Instagram account, he shared videos and birthday greetings for his beloved child.

"JUNE 25 is your birthday, dear Eril," said Ridwan Kamil, quoted from the Instagram account @ridwankamil on Tuesday, June 25 2024.

Ridwan Kamil revealed that he had sent prayers and recited yasin on the banks of the Aare river a week before Eril's birthday.

"Last week, Papa sent prayers and yasin on the bank of the river that hugged you tightly," said Ridwan Kamil.

The video shows the moment Ridwan Kamil and his wife, Atalia Praratya are on the bank of the Aare river. They were even seen contemplating and showing the swift flow of the Aare river.

On this occasion, Ridwan Kamil and his wife also sent prayers and read the Yasin letter. They were also seen scattering several stalks of yellow flowers into the Aare river.

As is known, Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz was born on June 25 1999 in New York, America. The eldest son of the couple Ridwan Kamil and Atalia Praratya is 25 years old this year.

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