Anak korban yang masih balita mengalami luka bakar di wajah, dada, lengan,dan paha.
Sedangkan sang ibu mengalami luka di telinga, lengan, mata, dan paha.
"Yang bersangkutan (terduga pelaku) saat ini sudah kami amankan dan dimintai keterangan," katanya.
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English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - There was a very heartless treatment in Kediri where a father had the heart to throw acid on his own children and wife.
The child has the initials PM (2) and his mother PK (24) and his father with the initials N (25).
The incident occurred at a boarding house in Ngasem District, Kediri Regency, East Java.
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This incident occurred on July 13, 2024.
As a result of the father's actions, his child and wife had to undergo treatment in hospital due to the burns they suffered.
This was conveyed by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Kediri Police, AKP Fauzy Pratama.
Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Kediri Police, AKP Fauzy Pratama, revealed that the man has now been arrested.
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"We received a report of alleged abuse by a man against his wife and children," he said at the Kediri Police Station Sunday, July 14 2024.
Fauzy explained that the incident started with an argument between the suspect and his wife.