Gibran Rakabuming Pastikan Tak Akan Huni Rumah Dinas di IKN, Loh Kenapa?

Kamis 18-07-2024,19:00 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

Gibran said that the official residence would be used as a public place.

For not occupying the official residence, Gibran also gave a definite reason.

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The eldest son of President Joko Widodo said that the official residence at IKN would also be used for community activities.

"Yes, later we will definitely benefit from community activities as well as here," he said at the Solo Walkot Office Wednesday, July 17 2024.

Likewise, the Vice President's official residence in Jakarta, continued Gibran, will only be used to receive guests. Meanwhile he will stay at home alone.

"For official housing and other matters, it's an easy matter. I can sleep anywhere. I will use the official residence in Jakarta to receive guests, I'm at home," he explained.

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Gibran said he would do more shopping and travel throughout Indonesia. Regarding the facilities at IKN, Gibran admitted that he did not know.

"I don't know what facilities there are, what is clear is that we will oversee the construction of the IKN together with the President-elect," said Gibran.

As we know, Gibran will stop being Mayor of Solo because he will stay in Jakarta starting today, Thursday, July 18 2024.

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