Viral! Diduga Kaesang Turun darii Jet Pribadi Bawa Barang Mewah Langsung Naik ke Mobil

Selasa 27-08-2024,12:32 WIB
Reporter : Restu Herlambang
Editor : Priya Satrio

This then invited questions from a number of netizens.

BACA JUGA:Agung Podomoro Resmi Berikan Fleksibilitas Pembayaran Kepemilikan Properti Demi Permudah Konsumen

Not a few netizens have asked Customs and Excise to open their voices regarding this matter.

The reason is, purchased goods from abroad should go through a customs checking process.

Until now, Customs and Excise have not said much about the goods Kaesang brought from his private jet.

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