Resep Nugget Daging Sapi Kentang Homemade, Solusi Praktis untuk Bekal Sekolah Anak!

Resep Nugget Daging Sapi Kentang Homemade, Solusi Praktis untuk Bekal Sekolah Anak!

Foto: Ilustrasi by Pexels-Leonardo Luz-pexels

4. Gulingkan ke dalam tepung beras, celupkan ke dalam telur ayam. Gulingkan ke dalam tepung panir.

5. Goreng hingga berubah warna, angkat. Sisihkan.

6. Sajikan hangat dengan saus tomat.

Tips: Tiriskan daging tumis agar airnya turun, supaya adonan nugget tidak basah.

Foto: Ilustrasi by Pexels-Leonardo Luz-pexels

BACA JUGA:Resep Hokkaido Cheese Tart yang Lezat dan Lumer, Cocok Jadi Teman Minum Kopi di Sore Hari!

Itulan resep dan cara membuat nugget sapi kentang yang cocok jadi ide bekal anak dan menu hidangan keluarga sehari-hari. Dengan resep ini, Anda dapat membuat nugget sapi kentang yang lezat dan bergizi untuk keluarga Anda. Selamat mencoba!

English Version:

Homemade Potato Beef Nuggets Recipe, Practical Solution for Children's School Supplies!

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Nuggets are a delicious dish that is popular with many people, especially Indonesians.

The easy preparation and taste that children really like make nuggets a simple lunch menu for children's school.

Reporting from, see below for a recipe and how to make nuggets that are suitable for a family's daily menu.

In general, nuggets are made from chicken as the main ingredient and coated with breadcrumbs. However, many nugget choices offer a variety of main ingredients, one of which is beef and vegetables.

If your child has difficulty eating vegetables, it is very important for mothers at home to make sure that their children continue to eat vegetables for their nutritional needs. This time, we will give you a recipe for delicious nuggets with mixed vegetables in them.

The following is a recipe and how to make potato beef nuggets which are very delicious and nutritious. Come on, check it out!

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