3 Kebiasaan yang Bisa Timbulkan Stres, yang Terakhir Paling Sering Terjadi!

3 Kebiasaan yang Bisa Timbulkan Stres, yang Terakhir Paling Sering Terjadi!

3 Kebiasaan yang Dapat Menimbulkan Stres, Nomor 3 Sering Terjadi!--Freepik

1. Lying to Yourself

According to High5Test, lying to ourselves about something we know, such as a thing, secret, or personal nature, can cause stress.

Accepting the truth, even if it is difficult, can help us make better decisions.

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Stopping lying to yourself brings benefits, including increased happiness, mental and emotional strength, honesty with yourself, the ability to accept yourself, and better self-control.

2. Wanting Everything to be Perfect (Perfectionist)

Psychology Today suggests giving up expectations for perfection. Not everything will go your way, and the world is not perfect.

Having expectations that are too high and being too hard on yourself to achieve perfection can increase the burden on your mind and potentially cause stress.

Recognizing limitations and accepting imperfection can bring peace of mind.

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3. Holding grudges

Holding a grudge can be a heavy burden that is detrimental to physical and mental health.

Psych Central says that holding on to anger can have a negative impact on relationships, create new problems, and even lead to aggressive behavior.

It can also contribute to mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

To avoid stress caused by resentment, consider finding positive ways to deal with emotions, such as meditation, professional counseling, or writing down feelings in a journal.

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