Arti dan Makna Hujan saat Perayaan Imlek: Tanda Keberuntungan atau Keburukan?

Arti dan Makna Hujan saat Perayaan Imlek: Tanda Keberuntungan atau Keburukan?

Arti hujan saat perayaan Imlek-Alexey Demidov-pexels

The Mei Hwa flower is Dewi Kwan Im's favorite flower which she always plants during Chinese New Year celebrations. Thus, rain during the Chinese New Year celebration is believed to mean that Goddess Kwam Im is giving abundant blessings.

From a broader perspective, rain during Chinese New Year celebrations can also be interpreted as a symbol of unity and hope for the Chinese community. Rain during Chinese New Year celebrations is a moment that brings joy and hope to those who understand the meaning behind every drop of water that falls from the sky.

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