Ayu Ting Ting Minta Restu Bilqis Dulu Sebelum Dilamar Lettu Muhammad Fardana: 'Sudah Mulai Buka Hatinya'
lamaran ayu ting ting-@intipseleb-Instagram
"Jadi mungkin ini cara Allah yang tepat ketika Bilqis udah mulai dewasa," pungkasnya.
Sekadar informasi, Ayu Ting Ting dilamar oleh Lettu Muhammad Fardhana pada Minggu, 4 Februari 2024.
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Ayu Ting-Ting has now been proposed to by a man who works in the TNI.
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The proposal between Ayu and her future husband Muhammad Fardhana was said to have shocked many people.
The proposal procession between Ayu and Fardhana was said to be very secretive, only the immediate family attended.
Previously, Ayu admitted that her only child, Bilqis, had not given permission to remarry.
This is because Bilqis doesn't want to see her mother hurt because of the marriage.
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However, Bilqis is currently trying to accept her mother's future husband.
"Because he's about to turn 11, he's starting to mature, so he's starting to open his heart," said Ayu Ting Ting in Depok, Wednesday, February 14 2024.
"One of them is because he loves me, so he also wants his mother to be happy," he added.
Ayu also admitted that she invited Bilqis to discuss it first before proposing.
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