Ramalan Anak Indigo Soal Kasus Sensasional di Dunia Selebriti: Perceraian, Narkoba, dan Pembunuhan!

Ramalan Anak Indigo Soal Kasus Sensasional di Dunia Selebriti: Perceraian, Narkoba, dan Pembunuhan!

Ramalan Anak Indigo Soal Kasus Sensasional di Dunia Selebriti: Perceraian, Narkoba, dan Pembunuhan!-tangkap layar (TRANS TV Official)-Youtube

BACA JUGA:Ramalan Terbaru Anak Indigo Tigor Otadan: Presiden 2024-2029 Gagal Menyelesaikan Masa Jabatan?

Dia juga menyebut kecelakaan itu akan terjadi enam hingga tujuh bulan dari bulan Februari 2024.

"Kalau tidak meleset bajunya merah, lebih kurang 6, 7 bulan ke depan dari Februari," kata Hard Gumay.


English Version:

Indigo Hard Gumay Looks at Sensational Cases in the World of Celebrities, Divorce, Drugs and Murder!

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - An indigo named Hard Gumay envisions cases that will occur in the world of celebrities.

The man whose predictions often come true said there would be phenomenal events, ranging from divorce, drugs, murder and accidents.

He expressed this in the Morning Ambyar program which was broadcast on a private television station on Wednesday, February 28 2024.

Hard Gumay said that 2024 will be filled with news of divorce by celebrity couples and drug cases.

"2024 for the world of court celebrities is filled with divorce, drugs," said Hard Gumay in the Morning Morning program, reported on the TRANS TV Official Youtube Channel on Friday, March 1 2024.

Apart from divorce and drugs, murder cases committed by celebrities will also occur this year.

"The criminal murder of one of the celebrities, the male suspect, the female victim, but two murder cases," said Hard Gumay.

It didn't stop there, Hard Gumay also predicted that an accident would happen to a man.

"Celebrity accident, man on the street alone without friends," said Hard Gumay.

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