Ramalan Anak Indigo Soal Kasus Sensasional di Dunia Selebriti: Perceraian, Narkoba, dan Pembunuhan!
Jumat 01-03-2024,15:10 WIB

Ramalan Anak Indigo Soal Kasus Sensasional di Dunia Selebriti: Perceraian, Narkoba, dan Pembunuhan!-tangkap layar (TRANS TV Official)-Youtube
Hard Gumay also mentioned details of the color of the car and the license plate of the vehicle he was driving.
"The car is a black sedan, at the back, if I'm not mistaken (the number plate) has two letters OD," he said.
He also said that the accident would occur six to seven months from February 2024.
"If I don't miss the red shirt, more or less in the next 6, 7 months from February," said Hard Gumay.
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