Tragis! Kasus Pembunuhan di Kota Malang Potong Tubuh Istri Jadi 10 Bagian, Videonya Bikin Ngeri

Viral Kasus Pembunuhan Tragis di Kota Malang-PublicDomainPictures-Pixabay
However, one day, Ni Made Sutarini returned to Malang to take part in an activity. Unexpectedly, she had to meet her husband in a park.
At that time, James Tomala forced his wife to return home. The wife, unable to refuse her husband's invitation, finally complied with his wishes and came to his house.
However, when he arrived home, the situation escalated. An emotional James Tomala committed a terrible act against Ni Made Sutarini.
He took his wife's life and even cut her body into 10 pieces before putting it in a bucket.
After carrying out this heinous act, James Tomala with an ordinary face asked a resident for help to lift his wife's body which had been dismembered.
However, the residents refused because they were afraid. James Tomala himself admitted that he took this action because he was annoyed with Ni Made Sutarini's decision not to return home for 6 months.
Hopefully this case can be a lesson for all of us to always prioritize peace, safety and happiness in relationships between people. We must unite to prevent domestic violence and ensure that each individual feels safe and respected in their surrounding environment.
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