Ahli Psikolog Sebut Gus Miftah 'Kurang Beradab' Usai Makan Bareng Pejabat Tapi Angkat Kaki: Harusnya Jaga Sikap

Gus Miftah Disebut 'Tak Beradab' Gegara Makan Bareng Pejabat Tapi Angkat Kaki: Kurang Sopan---Twitter X
However, Gus Miftah ate with officials in a way that was considered impolite, because his feet were raised.
Therefore, Lita Gading highlighted Gus Miftah's eating ethics, which she considered uncivilized, as if eating at a food stall.
This was revealed by Lita Gading in an upload on her personal Instagram account which was discussed in terms of psychological studies.
"I don't understand that it's part of the Sunnah of the Prophet," wrote Lita Gading, quoted on Monday 4 March 2024.
"But from psychological studies and social etiquette, this is not justified because it is considered impolite and civilized," he continued.
Apart from that, Lita Gading commented on Gus Miftah's status as a public figure who clearly has a big influence in Indonesia.
Gus Miftah's every action is said to always be in the public spotlight.
"As a public figure with so many followers, it is important for Gus Miftah to maintain a good attitude," said Lita Gading.
Lita Gading also advised the man whose full name is Miftah Maulana Habiburrahman to always be careful in his actions.
"As public figures, it is important for us to always be aware of our position and maintain our attitude," he explained.
Responses from netizens immediately poured in after this comment.
They emphasized the importance of always being wise in placing yourself, in any situation.
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