Bosen Nunggu Buka Puasa? Yuk Isi Waktu Luang dengan Menonton Kajian YouTube Islami, Ini Rekomendasinya
ceramah ustadz hanan attaki-Pemuda Hijrah-Youtube
In this holy month of Ramadan, don't be careless in using your time so you don't become a loser.
Here are 5 recommendations for YouTube channels studying Islamic sciences that you can watch at home:
1. Adi Hidayat Official
The Adi Hidayat Official Youtube channel presents various study themes, from interpretation of the Al-Quran to questions and answers with Ustadz Adi Hidayat.
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Not infrequently this channel also provides live streaming to listen to studies directly.
A few days before Ramadhan yesterday, Ustadz Adi discussed the Fiqh of Fasting in a live streaming study and divided it into three parts.
You can also see Ustadz Adi Hidayat's study schedule on the Instagram account @adihidayatofficial.
2. Muhammad Nudzul Dzikri
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This Ustadz account's YouTube channel also provides studies every day during Ramadan so you don't get bored watching them.
You can see the study schedule and themes every day via the Instagram account @muhammadnudzuldzikri.
3. Hanan Attaki
Who doesn't know Hanan Attaki, the dream Ustadz of many people, both young and old.
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