5 Bahan Masker yang Cocok untuk Anak-anak Usia 8-17 Tahun
masker anak alami---Istimewa
Masker ini cocok untuk anak-anak dengan kulit kering atau berjerawat.
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - This time there is a recipe for a 5 ingredient mask that is safe to use for children aged 8 years.
This mask is made from natural ingredients so it is impossible to damage the skin of children who use this mask.
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Here are some natural masks that you can try for children:
1. Banana and Honey Mask
Mix half a ripe banana with one tablespoon of natural honey.
Bananas contain essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, while honey has moisturizing properties and has antimicrobial effects. \
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This mask can help moisturize the skin and keep children's skin soft.
2. Oatmeal and Yogurt Mask
Mix fine oatmeal with plain yogurt without added sweeteners.
Oatmeal helps soothe and soothe irritated skin, while yogurt contains lactic acid which helps hydrate and balance the skin's pH.
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