Bus dengan Klasok Telolet Dilarang jadi Angkutan Mudik 2024, Ini Alasannya

Bus dengan Klasok Telolet Dilarang jadi Angkutan Mudik 2024, Ini Alasannya

Bus Dengan Klasok Telolet Dilarang Menjadi Angkutan Mudik 2024!-foto-Istimewa

Danto menambahkan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Darat terus mengingatkan semua operator bus agar tidak menuruti keinginan masyarakat terutama anak-anak untuk memasang dan membunyikan klakson telolet karena berbahaya dan berpotensi menyebabkan kecelakaan di jalan.

"Kami akan meningkatkan pengawasan saat pengujian berkala kendaraan dan meminta pihak kepolisian untuk menindak operator bus yang melanggar ketentuan agar tidak terjadi kejadian berulang," kata Danto.

English version

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Buses using telolet horns are prohibited from being homecoming transportation in 2024

The 'telolet' horn phenomenon has become a trend recently and is popular with many people

However, the use of the horn has negative effects, one of which is accidents

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The Directorate General of Land Transportation (Ditjen Hubdat) of the Ministry of Transportation then appealed to all bus operators to no longer use telolet horns in order to create safety on the road.

"The Directorate General of Land Transportation has issued a circular to all Transportation Services throughout Indonesia to pay more attention and check the use of additional components such as telolet horns on every public transportation when carrying out periodic tests," said the Director of Road Transportation Facilities at the Ministry of Transportation, Danto Restyawan

Danto made this statement in response to the fact that many buses still use telolet horns and this has an impact on road safety and even caused the death of a child.

Danto expressed his condolences and concern for the accident involving a child victim and a Sinar Dempo bus with a telolet horn that occurred at the Merak Ferry Port.

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He said that with recommendations from the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT), the use of telolet horns could cause the air or wind supply to run out, resulting in less than optimal vehicle brake function.

Danto asked every examiner not to pass public transport vehicles that commit violations such as installing telolet horns.

He emphasized that the rules regarding the use of horns have also been regulated in Government Regulation Number 55 of 2012 concerning Vehicles.

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