Ini 3 Artis yang Pernah Mengalami 'Malapetaka' Sama Seperti Emy Aghnia Punjabi, Jaga Anak Kalian!

Ini 3 Artis yang Pernah Mengalami 'Malapetaka' Sama Seperti Emy Aghnia Punjabi, Jaga Anak Kalian!

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There is also the child of the artist Cut Meyriska, where the child was neglected and abused by his own nurse at home.

This was also revealed in the same way where the abuse was recorded on CCTV.

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However, Cut's child was abused and also received spoiled food which made him sick.

The cut child's hand was pinned to the car door and his nurse also hit his body.

3. Nindy Ayunda

There are also Nindy Ayunda's children who experienced the same thing as the 3 artists above, namely abuse.

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It appears that the household member, known as Lia, had the heart to violently hit and punch Nindy Ayunda's child in the head

Nindy Ayunda, who felt hurt, reported the case to the authorities.

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