Ini 3 Artis yang Pernah Mengalami 'Malapetaka' Sama Seperti Emy Aghnia Punjabi, Jaga Anak Kalian!

Ini 3 Artis yang Pernah Mengalami 'Malapetaka' Sama Seperti Emy Aghnia Punjabi, Jaga Anak Kalian!

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JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Emy Aghnia's children are currently experiencing cases of abuse by their own nuns at home.

Emy's child, Cana, was abused for 30 minutes until her eyes were bruised.

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Emy left Cana with her nurse because she had been working for 2 days.

As an artist, of course he has a lot of activities outside the home which means he has to leave his children at home.

You need to know, not only Emy experienced something like this but there were also several artists whose children were abused by their own nuns.

Want to know who these artists are? Come on, take a look below:

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1. Jevier Justin

A public figure artist, Jevier Justin, also experienced the same thing as Emy.

In the same case, Jevier's child experienced violence by his own nun.

The abuse occurred when Jevier and his wife went to America to buy walking equipment so that their child could walk normally.

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However, while in the US, Jevier's child was abused by his nurse which was caught on CCTV.

2. Cut Meyriska

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