Rahasia Mencuci Brokoli dengan Benar: Tips Ini Ampuh Bersihkan Sayuran dari Ulat dan Kotoran!

Rahasia Mencuci Brokoli dengan Benar: Tips Ini Ampuh Bersihkan Sayuran dari Ulat dan Kotoran!-Racool_studio-freepik
3. Soak the broccoli in a container filled with water. This aims to loosen the dirt stuck to the surface of the broccoli.
4. Add 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 tablespoon of salt. Then soak for 10-15 minutes
5. Use running water to clean the broccoli thoroughly. Do it 3x
5. Check each part of the broccoli carefully. Make sure there are no caterpillars hidden in the folds of the broccoli leaves.
6. Broccoli is clean and ready to be cooked or stored in the refrigerator
By following the steps above, you can clean broccoli properly so that it is safe to consume. Apart from that, make sure to choose good quality broccoli so that its nutritional content is maintained.
Not only do you clean broccoli, but it is also important to store it properly so that it stays fresh and lasts a long time. After cleaning the broccoli, dry it with a clean tissue or cloth before storing it in the refrigerator.
Place broccoli in a closed container or plastic bag with air holes to ensure air circulation.
If you want to store broccoli for a long time, you can also freeze it first before storing it in the freezer. In this way, broccoli can last longer without losing its nutrients.
Apart from washing and storing broccoli properly, try to buy organic broccoli that does not use chemical pesticides to make it safer to consume. By following the steps above, you can enjoy clean and fresh broccoli without having to worry about dirt or caterpillars that might stick to it.
So, don't hesitate to try the correct way to wash broccoli so you can enjoy its health benefits to the maximum. Hopefully this article is useful and good luck!
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