Astagfirullah! Viral Istri Alami KDRT Persis di Depan Anak
Astagfirullah, Istri Alami KDRT Didepan Anak-@sharonmilan-Instagram
In fact, in the CCTV video circulating, Sharon's husband had the heart to beat his wife in front of their young children.
"I have given 3 children to the ICU," wrote Sharon Milan on her Instagram account.
In the video, Sharon mentioned that she had her uterus removed.
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However, Sharon did not specify what caused her uterus to be removed.
"When the third child was born, the uterus had already been removed," he said.
“Children are just taken.”
Sharon had reported her husband's treatment to the police but there was no response.
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Because there was no response from the police, Sharon finally made the case viral.
Sharon chose a shortcut by speaking out via social media and is now getting legal assistance from an elderly lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea.
"Threatened that the police report process for domestic violence will not work."
"Is it because he is rich and I am helpless."
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"Now they are being thrown out without being given a penny."
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