Teuku Ryan Klarifikasi di Youtubenya: Ibu Saya Dituduh Nyolong Sama Ria Ricis
Teuku Ryan Klarifikasi di Youtubenya : Ibu Saya Dituduh Nyolong oleh Ria Ricis-@teukuryan-Instagram
"The management of Ricis's younger cousin himself gave it to my family through my assistant. And he said no one else owns it, so just take it," explained Teuku Ryan.
When he arrived at Ria's house, Ricis asked to document this but there wasn't any.
"Well, when he got home, Ricis asked for hampers to tell the story. It turned out that the hampers weren't there anymore. Even though these hampers were in the guest room. And I never thought that this hamper problem would be so big," concluded Teuku Ryan.
Ryan admitted that he was very sad and regretted the attitude of his ex-wife, Ricis.
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Ryan thinks that Ricis is overly exaggerating a problem that was only a small problem.
"I'm really sad why my mother can be said to be helping even though up until now I've never sent any hampers to Aceh. "Until we finish renting the Kemang house and move in, the goodness of the hampers will still be there," stressed Teuku Ryan.
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