Brilian! PJ Gubernur Jakarta Heru Budi Akan Bangun Pulau dari Sampah

Brilian! PJ Gubernur Jakarta Heru Budi Akan Bangun Pulau dari Sampah

Brilian! PJ Gubernur Jakarta Heru Budi Akan Bangun Pulau dari Sampah-@herubudihartono-Instagram

Heru also emphasized the importance of this step to reduce waste processing in Bantar Gebang, which has been the main waste dumping site in Jakarta.

"If I'm asked, yes we have to go forward like that. It's no longer possible to dump Bantar Gebang's waste on the mainland of Jakarta," said Heru Budi Hartono.

With this waste island, it is hoped that Jakarta can become cleaner and greener. Apart from that, this step can also provide a solution to the increasing waste problem in the capital city.

With creative and innovative steps such as creating islands from waste, Jakarta can be an example for other regions in managing waste well. With hard work and collaboration between government and society, we can create a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

Thus, creating islands from waste is not only a solution to reduce the waste problem, but also a step towards a better and more sustainable environment for Jakarta's future.

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