Cepat Klaim Kode Redeem Mobile Legends Terbaru Sabtu 18 Mei 2024: Pesta Rank ML Hari Ini!
Pesta Prank ML Hari Ini Yuk Klaim Kode Redeem ML Hari Ini 18 Mei 2024-@mooonton-Instagram
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS,CO.ID - There is an updated redeem code that you can claim today, Saturday, May 18 2024, namely the mobile legend redeem code.
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You can use this redeem code to get free skins, weapons and diamonds.
The redeem code changes every day and you have to play first with other survivors.
Before you know the code, you must first know how to claim the Mobile Legend redeem code for Sunday, April 28 2024.
1. Open the m.mobilelegends.com page.
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2. Click select Redeem or Get Prize, at the top right.
3. Follow these instructions to get the ID of the PUBG Mobile character you are playing.
4. Enter the Mobile Legends redeem code which consists of a combination of letters and numbers.
5. Fill in the player's Mobile Legends Game ID.
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