Cepat Klaim Kode Redeem Mobile Legends Terbaru Sabtu 18 Mei 2024: Pesta Rank ML Hari Ini!

Pesta Prank ML Hari Ini Yuk Klaim Kode Redeem ML Hari Ini 18 Mei 2024-@mooonton-Instagram
6. Then click 'Send/Submit'.
7. Open the inbox in your game, check the Verification Code that was sent.
8. Make sure to copy it as soon as possible because the code only lasts for 30 minutes.
9. Return to the Mobile Legends page.
BACA JUGA:5 Merek Mie Instan Sehat yang Wajib Kamu Simpan di Rumah, Anti Bikin Usus Buntu!
10. Refill the redemption code, game ID and verification code that you got.
11. Select 'Redeem'.
12. Open the message on the Mobile Legends game account, then the prize has been successfully obtained.
The redemption code for today, Sunday 28 April 2024, is:
BACA JUGA:Kasus Perceraian di Bojonegoro Meningkat, Kecanduan Tindakan 'Haram' Ini Jadi Penyebabnya
1. FT6K 9N3C 8L2J 4H7R
2. FL7S 3C9V 6T2X 4W8R
3. FA5M 1F8Z 3N7P 9B2T
4. FG8W 3D6J 2Z5F 1R9L
BACA JUGA:Awas! Ini Efek Samping Kurang Tidur Pada Kondisi Wajah
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