Ahli Metafisika Buka Suara Soal Rekaman Suara Arwah Vina: 'Ada Jin Qorin'

Ahli Metafisika Buka Suara Soal Rekaman Suara 'VINA' : Itu Jin Qorin-@kirama-Instagram
“In my opinion, the truth after seeing the video is 55 percent. The qorin energy is stronger, not the spirit (Vina). Needs further identification. "Regarding whether the voices are the same or not, in Indonesia we still need logical things, so forensic (examination) should not be missed," he explained.
"If the voice is exactly (Vina's possessing Linda), the explanation is that the qorin can indeed resemble a deceased creature. Energy, power, is copied from these memories. "This qorin chose his best friend where he had more access to data," he continued.
Not only that, Kirama also said that out of a scale of 10, only 1 person has the ability to be possessed.
“You can (get the ability) from generation to generation, you process it or it is given. A gift, yes," he said.
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