Nadya Mustika Akhirnya Ungkap Kondisi Rumah Tangganya Pasca Hapus Foto Pernikahan di Sosmed

Nadya Mustika Akhirnya Ungkap Kondisi Rumah Tangganya Pasca Hapus Foto Pernikahan di Sosmed

Nadya Mustika Akhirnya Ungkap Kondisi Rumah Tangganya Usai Foto Pernikahannya Dihapus-@nadyamustikarahayu.-Instagram

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Nadya Mustika recently became the center of public attention when she deleted all photos with her husband.

Netizens are annoyed because Nadya Mustika deleted all photos containing her husband even though their marriage has only been running for 6 months.

With the news about her household being so excited, Nadya Mustika finally revealed the condition of her household.

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Nadya ensures that her household is fine. The photo that disappeared was not intentionally deleted but was kept temporarily because it was related to endorsement matters.

"Guys, thank God, my husband and I are fine. The problem with deleted photos is that they are archived, not deleted, because sometimes we want to tidy up feeds that are never neat and in our feed/reels there are several endorsements that have to be archived," said Nadya, quoted from Instagram Story upload to his personal account @nadyamustikarahayu.

Nadya also understands netizens' concerns about the fate of their household. He was grateful to see such extraordinary attention for himself and Iqbal. This mother of one child hopes that netizens will always pray for the best for her household.

"Pray for the best for our household, thank you all for your attention," he continued.

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Actually, Nadya herself didn't want to clarify anything, but the news about her household just because the photos on Instagram disappeared became a lot of news.

However, he felt the need to provide an explanation considering that his family and closest relatives were also asking questions after he and Iqbal suddenly became the public spotlight.

"Actually, I don't want to clarify anything because we are fine, but this news has made my family and closest relatives wonder, hihi," he concluded.

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