Ipar Adalah Maut! Wanita Ini Tega Selingkuh dengan Suami Kembarannya
Wanita Ini Tega Selingkuh Dengan Suami Kembarannya-Ilustrasi-Istimewa
"My sister wanted me to have this baby, hold this baby, after she slept with my husband, She said that it didn't matter because it was like a surrogate mother" she continued.
BACA JUGA:CPNS 2024 Diundur Lagi, Ini Penjelasan Menteri PANRB
“And genetically it was my baby, and my twin said it wasn't a big deal,” she said.
Of course, this is not the same as a surrogate mother because it is not the egg.
My husband says that this is not cheating because it is basically a woman's body part
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