Pegi Setiawan Dapat Ganti Rugi Usai Jadi Orang yang Salah Sasaran

Jadi Orang yang Salah Sasaran, Pegi Setiawan SeharusnyaDapatkan Ganti Rugi-@poldajabar-Instagram
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Pegi Setiawan has been declared free from the Vina murder case in which he was accused and detained.
Pegi was declared free on Monday, July 8 2024, which was accepted by the judge during the pretrial hearing.
After being wrongly arrested and released, it turns out that Pegi should have received compensation for herself because her arrest made her miserable.
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This was conveyed by forensic psychology expert, Reza Indragiri Amriel, who said that victims of wrongful arrest usually receive compensation.
"Victims of wrongful arrest receive compensation. This is the practice in many countries," said Reza in a written statement Monday, July 8 2024.
However, police institutions usually carry out amicable settlements by providing compensation rather than taking legal processes such as pre-trial hearings.
"Instead of using legal mechanisms that are coercive and even humiliating, police institutions usually choose amicable solutions to provide compensation," he said.
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You need to know that Pegi Setiawan's pre-trial lawsuit does not include a petitum regarding compensation.
In the trial, only mention was made of the case costs which were requested to be borne by the respondent, namely the West Java Regional Police.
Then, requested that Pegi Setiawan's position and dignity as the applicant be restored.
Therefore, in his decision, judge Eman Sulaeman also did not mention compensation.
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