Kak Seto Turun Tangan Atasi Kasus Tewasnya Afif Maulana yang Diduga Dianiaya Polisi

Kak Seto Ikut Turun Tangan Atasi Kasus Tewasnya Afif Maulana yang Diduga Dianiaya Polisi-@Arypraset.-Instagram
Kak Seto juga memastikan akan melindungi setiap hak-hak anak yang diduga menjadi korban penganiayaan oleh oknum anggota kepolisian.
"Saya kira bukan hanya itu (Afif). Jadi, apakah mungkin setelah ini kami bertemu dengan beberapa korban lainnya," ucap Kak Seto.
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID- Kak Seto also intervened in the case of the death of Afif Maulana, who was allegedly abused by police officers.
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Sis Seto himself was criticized by the public on social media, because he did not move quickly like what was done to Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawati's children.
This made the public feel annoyed and continued to rebuke Kak Seto on social media.
Even though Afif's death was still a minor, he had to receive protection from Kak Seto.
"Where was Grandpa Seto when Afif's family needed help?? If only Grandpa Seto Grecep was an artist's child," said the account @Arypraset.
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After the case escalated, Kak Seto together with the Indonesian Child Protection Institute (LPAI) finally got involved in investigating and investigating the death case of Afif Maulana (13).
"We ask and plead with the West Sumatra Regional Police Chief to remain professional in maintaining the positive image of the National Police in handling this case," said LPAI Chairman Kak Seto in Padang Monday, July 8 2024.
After meeting with the West Sumatra Regional Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Suharyono, he hopes that the police will open up transparently regarding investigations and investigations until the case is resolved, and find a bright spot.
In fact, before receiving the innuendo, Kak Seto first coordinated with the National Police Chief, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in Jakarta.
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