Kak Seto Turun Tangan Atasi Kasus Tewasnya Afif Maulana yang Diduga Dianiaya Polisi

Kak Seto Ikut Turun Tangan Atasi Kasus Tewasnya Afif Maulana yang Diduga Dianiaya Polisi-@Arypraset.-Instagram
In a meeting with the National Police Chief, he again reviewed the importance of implementing Child Friendly Police or "Polsana".
"So, we hope that the Polsana concept that I initiated in 1983 will be implemented. "This means that when the police handle cases involving children, please prioritize the best interests of the child and protect the child's rights," he said.
Kak Seto also ensured that he would protect the rights of every child who was suspected of being a victim of peace by police officers.
“I don't think it's only that (Afif). "So, is it possible that after this we meet some of the other victims," said Kak Seto.
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