SYL Jadi Sering ke Masjid Menjelang Keputusan Sidang, Taubat Kah?

Menjelang Keputusan Sidang SYL Jadi Sering ke Masjid : Taubat Kah?-@parakorup-X
Sementara, sidang vonis tersebut akan dihadiri anak-anak SYL, yakni Indira Chunda Thita dan Kemal Redindo akan hadir beserta pasangannya masing-masing.
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Towards the decision of Syahrul Yasin Limpo's trial, he went to the mosque more often and listened to the ustadz's lectures.
Today, Thursday 11 July 2024, SYL will undergo the panel of judges' verdict on the case he is currently receiving.
This was conveyed directly by SYL's legal advisor, Djamaludin Koedoeboen.
"Yes, focus more on surrendering yourself to Allah SWT in facing the verdict trial tomorrow. So just surrender everything to Allah," he said to the Panel of Judges Wednesday, July 10 2024.
Djamaludin Koedoeboen said that SYL as a South Sulawesi official and figure only wanted to show his toughness and steadfastness in front of the public.
Moreover, he is about to turn 70 years old and his wife, Ayun Sri Harahap, is sick.
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SYL wants to show that he is strong in facing his life path, with the hope that his family and all parties who sympathize with him can feel that SYL is fine.
However, SYL, as an ordinary human being, also feels fragile and feels sad, especially since many people are blaspheming her.
However, SYL does not want to cause disappointment because it could have other impacts.
"We are preventing unwanted things from happening, that's all. We respect the course of justice, the Honorable Panel of Judges, friends of the Corruption Eradication Committee, especially the public prosecutor, and all parties," he said.
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