Upacara 17 Agustus Diadakan di Jakarta dan IKN? Dokter Tifa: Maksa Banget!

Upacara 17 Agustus Diadakan di Jakarta dan IKN? Dokter Tifa: Maksa Banget!

Rencananya, Upacara 17 Agustus Akan Diadakan Di Jakarta dan IKN, Dokter Tifa : Hanya Untuk Memuaskan Syahwat Satu Orang Kurang Waras!-@DokterTifa.-X

He even used the term "psychopath" to describe the idea.

"It was whispered by a gambrong genie who was extraordinarily greedy and wanted to control the land of the entire island," he said.

Tifa added that the entire country seemed forced to follow this plan which she considered unrealistic.

"Well, the whole country is going head over heels for it. The whole world is laughing and then they know the taste!" he said.

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