Aduh! Belasan Warga Bogor Masuk RSJ Gegara Judi Online: Semuanya Laki-laki

Aduh! Belasan Warga Bogor Masuk RSJ Gegara Judi Online: Semuanya Laki-laki

Lagi dan Lagi Terjadi, Belasan Warga Bogor Masuk RSJ Gegara Judi Online : Semuanya Lelaki---Istimewa

What's worse, this case occurs more often among men in Bogor.

They are undergoing treatment at the National Mental Health Center RSJ dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi (PKJN RSJMM) Bogor.

This was explained by the Main Director of National Mental Health PKJN RSJMM Nova Rianti Yusuf.

“There were 19 patient visits, all patient visitors were male. "In February there were 2 visits, in March there were 4 visits, in April there was 1 visit, in May there were 9 visits and in June there were 3 patient visits," said Main Director of National Mental Health PKJN RSJMM, Nova Rianti Yusuf in his statement Thursday, 11 July 2024.

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Not only did he convey the number of patients, he also reminded the public to have their health checked at the nearest health facility. 

Meanwhile, he provided facilities by opening a behavioral addiction clinic at the Executive Polyclinic. According to him, patients who were addicted to playing online gambling received treatment because of encouragement from their families. 

Therefore, the role of family and those closest to them is very important for the patient's recovery.

"There are families who are willing to take them for inpatient treatment, there are also patients who want to stop treatment. "We need to know that patients with online gambling are connected to substance use," said Nova Rianti Yusuf.

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