Tengku Dewi dan Andrew Sambut Kelahiran Anak Ke-2, Ini Harapan dan Pesan untuk Sang Putri!

Tengku Dewi dan Andrew Sambut Kelahiran Anak Ke-2, Ini Harapan dan Pesan untuk Sang Putri!

Tengku Dewi dan Andrew Sambut Kelahiran Anak Ke-2, Ini Harapan dan Pesan untuk Sang Putri!-@tengkudewiputri_tdp-Instagram

Tengku Dewi also expressed a deep message for her daughter that everything that happens in the future, then all plans can change.

"Whatever happens in life, Now or later, Plans after Plans can change," said Tengku Dewi.

However, Tengku Dewi hopes that her daughter can continue to shine like her name.

"However, keep shining, like your name ZEYA, Love from all of us is always the same forever," said Tengku Dewi.

As is known, Tengku Dewi and Andrew White's household is currently in the process of divorce. The rift in their household occurred because of Andrew's affair.

Even so, Andrew was seen present and seemed to be carrying his beautiful daughter. Andrew looked so happy and happy waiting for the arrival of his beloved daughter.

On his Instagram account, Andrew uploaded his togetherness with Zeya in a baby room.

"Hey Baby Luv .. Zeya Savvanah Luv," wrote the caption of the upload on the Instagram account @andrewandika on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

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