Fairuz A Rafiq Ceritakan Kondisi Sonny Septian, Kondisi Suami Semakin Membahayakan?
Kondisi Suami Semakin Membahayakan, Fairuz A Rafiq Ceritakan Kondisi Sonny Septian-@undercover-Instagram
"Begitu nanti posisinya sudah stabil, dinyatakan semuanya baik-baik saja, nanti insya allah kalau dokter perbolehkan pulang," pungkasnya.
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Sonny Septian is currently being treated in hospital because he is experiencing a serious illness.
Sonny Septian is being treated at Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Central Jakarta.
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As a wife, Fairuz shared the current condition of her beloved husband Sonny Septian.
Fairuz said that her husband could be in danger of having a dangerous stroke.
"There was narrowing of the blood vessels in his brain and in his neck and that was what made him very dizzy, and coincidentally the doctor told him to take action immediately because if action was not taken later there could be a serious stroke, and that could become an attack," said Fairuz A Rafiq in press conference in the Menteng area Thursday 1 August 2024.
At first Fairuz just thought her husband had ordinary food poisoning.
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Apparently, doctors must immediately take action to prevent undesirable things from happening.
"It started with food poisoning, it was just something trivial, we hoped we could go home quickly and the dizziness, maybe we just needed medicine, but it turns out we didn't," said Fairuz A Rafiq.
After surgery and being in the ICU for the day, Sonny Septian is now recovering.
"Finally, action was taken yesterday, the operation went smoothly, thank God, yesterday he spent two days in the ICU and now he is recovering," explained Fairuz A Rafiq.
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