Viralkan! Ini Dia Tampang Suami Cut Intan Nabila, Netizen : Pengecut

Viralkan! Ini Dia Tampang Muka Suami Cut Intan Nabila, Netizen : Pengecut!-@pandawaragroup-Instagram
Via its Instagram account, @pandawaragroup uploaded a photo showing the appearance of Armor Toreador when smiling.
In his upload, Pandawara wrote a quite striking statement containing the allusion of 'trash' to Armor Toreador for the act of domestic violence against his wife.
"We apologize to all Indonesian people, because we have not collected this waste," wrote Pandawara.
Apart from uploading a photo of the Toreador Armor, Pandawara also wrote a statement to encourage Cut Intan Nabila, who was a victim of her husband's domestic violence.
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"Stay strong sis @cut.intannabila," wrote Pandawara.
With this upload, netizens were busy commenting on Pandawara's post.
"Coward!" wrote netizens.
"Just bury it, don't transport it," wrote one netizen.
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