Viral! Sekelompok Orang Nekat Curi Minyak dari Tanki Kereta Api Milik Pertamina

Viral! Sekelompok Orang Nekat Curi Minyak dari Tanki Kereta Api Milik Pertamina

Viral! Sekelompok Orang Nekat Curi Minyak dari Tanki Kereta Api Milik Pertamina-@jabodetabek24info-Instagram

Dengan adanya video viral tentang aksi pencurian minyak dari tanki kereta api milik Pertamina ini, semoga kita semua bisa lebih sadar akan pentingnya menjaga keamanan, ketertiban, dan kebersamaan di lingkungan sekitar.

Semoga kejadian seperti ini tidak terulang lagi di masa depan. Terima kasih telah membaca artikel ini.


English Version:

Viral! A Group of People Steal Oil from a Pertamina Train Tank

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - A recent viral video is being widely discussed on social media.

The video shows a group of people who dared to steal oil from a Pertamina train tanker that had stopped.

This incident certainly surprised many people and became a hot topic of conversation, and many even criticized the actions of the group of people.

In the video uploaded by the Instagram account @jabodetabek24info, several people can be seen swiftly opening the tanker lid of a train that had stopped at a railroad crossing. They quickly collected the oil flowing from the tanker.

In fact, they brought several buckets to contain the oil. This action looked so smooth and organized, as if they had often done this action.

They looked so enthusiastic running around carrying several buckets. Each of them opened the tanker lid from each car of the tanker train.

However, the oil taken by several people is suspected to be the remaining oil in the tanker. However, the actions of this group of people cannot be allowed.

Many netizens have criticized this act of oil theft. In fact, there are also quite a few who gave harsh comments.

"Low human resources," commented netizens.

"Shouting corruptors, but corruptors themselves. Even though it's the rest of the tank, it's still the same. Illegal proceeds, enter the blood and flesh," said netizens.

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