3 Alasan Pemerintah Pindahkan Ibu Kota, Bukan Asal-asalan!

3 Alasan Pemerintah Pindahkan Ibu Kota -@jokowi-Instagram
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - There are 3 reasons that are considered very important to take action to move the capital city.
The capital city was moved from Jakarta to Penajam Paser Utama.
The reasons for moving the capital were conveyed by former Minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro.
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Bambang said that at the beginning the determination of the East Kalimantan region was chosen because it fulfilled 3 aspects of consideration that were unanimous for action.
First, Kalimantan is one of the regions with minimal disaster risk.
"The risk of disaster is the smallest in Kalimantan, disasters will definitely happen but we choose risk management. "Secondly, the East Kalimantan region, North Penajam Paser to be precise, was chosen because it is still close to the sea," said Bambang in Jakarta Wednesday, August 14 2024.
This step was taken to represent Indonesia as an archipelagic country.
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Thus, the government center is designed to be close to water areas.
For the third reason, namely because it is close to areas whose economy and infrastructure are much more mature, such as Balikpapan and Samarinda.
"What we want to build is a national government capital that is part of the urban system," he said.
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