Heboh! Beredar Video Syur Wanita yang Diduga Azizah Salsha

Heboh! Beredar Video Syur Wanita yang Diduga Azizah Salsha

Heboh! Beredar Video Syur Wanita yang Diduga Azizah Salsha -azizahsalsha_-Instagram

Not a few netizens commented on the video. Many did not believe that the woman was Pratama Arhan's wife.

"But is this really Zize, from her face it seems like it is but some say it is not," commented a netizen.

"But it seems like a joke, is it really a celebrity VCS?" said a netizen.

In addition, not a few also thought that the woman was Zize.

"From her face, it's really her," said a netizen.

"Damn, I'm even more shocked," said a netizen.

"My mother's child, my goodness," said a netizen.

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