Viral! Diduga Kaesang Turun darii Jet Pribadi Bawa Barang Mewah Langsung Naik ke Mobil

Viral! Diduga Kaesang Turun darii Jet Pribadi Bawa Barang Mewah Langsung Naik ke Mobil

Viral! Kaesang Turun Dari Jet Pribadi Bawa Barang Mewah Langsung Naik ke Mobil -@AirinDatangLagi -Instagram

The thing that caught netizens' attention was the man carrying groceries from the designer brand Dior.

The man was carrying two shopping bags which he immediately put into the car.

This then invited questions from a number of netizens.

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Not a few netizens have asked Customs and Excise to open their voices regarding this matter.

The reason is, purchased goods from abroad should go through a customs checking process.

Until now, Customs and Excise have not said much about the goods Kaesang brought from his private jet.

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