Mana yang Lebih Utama Antara Solat Tarawih atau Ba'diyah Isya? Buya Yahya Bilang Begini

Sabtu 16-03-2024,15:00 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

Untuk meraih kecintaan dari Allah SWT, seorang Muslim disarankan untuk tidak meninggalkan shalat sunnah rawatib, terutama sholat Sunnah Ba'diyah Isya, selama bulan Ramadhan dan seterusnya.

Yuk gunakan waktu ramadhan kalian untuk penuh dengan ibadah jangan sampai kalian lalai dalam memanfaatkan waktu.

Karena umur tidak ada yang tau kapan kita akan kembali ke pangkuan Allah SWT.

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English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID -  Many people still wonder which is more important between the tarawih prayer and the badiyah Isha prayer?

These prayers are both performed at night and tarawih is performed only during the month of Ramadan.

Regarding this, Buya Yahya gave a definite answer.

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Buya Yahya provided answers to these questions via the Al Bahjah TV YouTube channel.

In the video, Buya Yahya emphasized that the reward for sunnah ba'diyah Isha prayers is greater than tarawih prayers.

"One of the important points is that the ba'diyah Isha prayer has greater rewards than tarawih," stressed Buya Yahya.

However, according to Buya Yahya, the reality in the field is that many Muslims abandon the sunnah ba'diyah Isha prayers and immediately perform tarawih prayers.

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"Surprisingly, leaving the Isha ba'diyah actually carries out tarawih," added Buya Yahya.

Buya Yahya added that perhaps the ustaz or imam at the mosque who immediately carried out tarawih prayers without prioritizing the Sunnah ba'diyah Isha prayer did not understand the science well.

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