Mana yang Lebih Utama Antara Solat Tarawih atau Ba'diyah Isya? Buya Yahya Bilang Begini

Sabtu 16-03-2024,15:00 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

"The levels of dignity of prayer include the highest dignity, namely obligatory prayer. The second level is qabliyah ba'diyah prayer, dhuha. Tarawih is the third level," explained Buya Yahya.

You need to know, this prayer gets added value from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, namely getting mahabbah or love from Him.

BACA JUGA:7 Rekomendasi Channel Youtube Kajian Islami Terbaik, Ramadhan Penuh Keberkahan!

Therefore, we should not feel satisfied with the worship we have done.

To gain the love of Allah SWT, a Muslim is advised not to neglect the sunnah prayers, especially the Sunnah Ba'diyah Isha prayers, during the month of Ramadan and beyond.

Come on, use your Ramadan time to be full of worship, don't be careless in utilizing your time.

Due to age, no one knows when we will return to the bosom of Allah SWT.

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