Lebih Suka Minum Jus Buah daripada Makan Buah Secara Langsung? Ahli Diet Ungkap Fakta 'Buruknya'

Minggu 21-04-2024,18:07 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

According to Zimmerman, juice can be a source of vitamins A and C, potassium, and other micronutrients depending on the type of fruit used and how it is prepared.

Apart from that, because it contains water, juice can also provide good hydration for the body.

So, although fruit juice has certain benefits, it is important not to consume it in excess and to pay attention to sugar and calorie intake.

It's best to be careful in choosing fruit champions, and make sure to maintain fiber intake from whole fruit in your daily diet.

This way, you can enjoy the benefits of fruit juice without worrying about the bad effects on your health.

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