Ramalan Hard Gumay Tepat Sasaran, Chika Terjerat Kasus Narkoba Jadi Kenyataan!

Rabu 24-04-2024,14:29 WIB
Reporter : Restu Herlambang
Editor : Priya Satrio

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Hard Gumay once predicted that the beautiful Instagram celebrity Chandra Chika was currently caught in a drug case.

Hard Gumay had already warned Chika that he should never mess around in legal matters because he would enter a legal age for what he had done.

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The fortune teller said that Tariq Halilintar's former lover would be dragged into legal trouble again not long after being involved in the beating case carried out by Putra Siregar.

Hard Gumay's prediction was also re-uploaded by one of the TikTok accounts @/miiilaaaa.123.

"What Chandrika Chika will face. Remember from now, approximately 7 months from now, 7 months from now Chandrika Chika will face problems related to legal matters again," said Hard Gumay.

"If the law is now due to Putra Siregar and others, in the next 7 months or so it means that towards the end of the year Chandrika Chika will be faced with problems again and the problem is a legal problem," he added.

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With the news of Chika's arrest on Monday, April 22 2024, the video was widely commented on by many other TikTok accounts.

"Well, this is the prediction," commented the netizen.

"It's really crazy," said a netizen.

"Crazy Hard Gumay's predictions are rarely wrong, his knowledge is really deep," wrote a netizen.

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"Thank you Hard Gumay, your predictions are always right," said another.

As is known, Chandrika Chika was recently arrested by the police because she was involved in a marijuana abuse case. In this case, Chika and his friends were arrested while at a hotel in the Setiabudi area, South Jakarta on Monday 22 April 2024.

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