8 Tahun Jadi Buron, Begini Sosok Pegi Pelaku Utama Pembunuhan Vina

Kamis 23-05-2024,09:30 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - After 8 years as a fugitive, Pegi has now been caught by the police in Bandung in the murder and rape case of Vina.

Pegi himself has the full name Pegi Setiawan, who is often called Perong.

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Pegi was arrested in the Bandung area by the West Java Police team.

The murder incident occurred on an empty land near SMPN 11 Cirebon and Talun Bridge, Cirebon Regency, in August 2016.

This case suddenly went viral in 2024 because the film Vina in cinemas became the center of attention of many people.

There are 11 people who committed Vina's murder, with 8 people who have been tried before the court.

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Meanwhile, three other people have become DPOs since the case started, one of them is Pegi Setiawan.

Pegi Setiawan was also arrested by the West Java Regional Police team on Tuesday, May 22 2024 at the West Java Regional Police.

According to the police, Pegi is a man who is currently 30 years old.

When the murder occurred, Pegi was still 22 years old.

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Pegi Setiawan alias Egi alias Perong is the brain behind Vina's murder and rape case.

Pegi was caught disguised as a construction worker in order to cover up the case.

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