Viral! Sekelompok Pelajar Digrebek Satpol PP Lagi Berbuat Mesum di Rumah Kosong

Rabu 05-06-2024,16:00 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya kerjasama antara pemerintah, orang tua, sekolah, dan masyarakat dalam memberikan pendampingan dan arahan yang baik kepada remaja agar mereka dapat tumbuh dan berkembang secara positif.

Kasus ini seharusnya menjadi pelajaran berharga bagi semua pihak. Semoga kejadian seperti ini tidak terulang lagi di masa depan.


English Version:

Viral! A group of students were raided by Central Civil Service Police for committing lewd acts in an empty house

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Recently, a video circulated which made the public shake their heads.

The video shows several students who were still wearing school uniforms being raided by Satpol PP officers in an empty house.

What was even more surprising was that a group of teenagers were carrying out a lewd scene in an abandoned house.

This incident certainly surprised many people. How can a group of teenagers who should be studying or doing positive activities be involved in something inappropriate like that?

In the video uploaded by the @info.negri account, Satpol PP officers can be seen raiding an abandoned, empty house. There were several officers checking the whereabouts of a group of people there.

There were five people seen there, sitting casually near the window. They were repeatedly asked by Satpol PP why they were there.

However, they appeared silent and did not answer the Satpol PP officers' questions. There were 1 woman and 4 men seen there.

Not long after, the Satpol PP officer walked into one of the rooms. What was even more surprising was that the officers were shocked to see a number of students who were still wearing uniforms carrying out lewd scenes there.

The incident was carried out by 1 woman and several men. In fact, some of them had taken off their clothes.

Suddenly the Satpol PP officer shouted and became angry at the teenager's behavior. They ordered all the students to leave the room.

However, unfortunately, it is not yet known when the incident occurred and the complete location.

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