Geni Faruk Terus Kenang Momen Thariq Dibawa Naik Haji Saat Usianya Masih Dua Bulan

Senin 15-07-2024,16:00 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

Memilih untuk tawaf di lantai dua Masjidil Haram, tentu jarak yang ditempuh semakin panjang. Begitu juga saat akan melakukan sa'i, bukan hal mudah untuk Lenggogeni Faruk yang baru melahirkan dan sambil menggendong bayi.

"Itu kan habis nifas, kita jalan aja susah ini bawa bayi. Sedihnya itu, pas sudah selesai, kan disambung sa'i. Pas di sa'i umi keingat Siti Hajar, Siti Hajar kanb bawa Nabi Ismail, kan air susunya kering ya bolak-balik. Ya Allah kayak gini kali ya Siti Hajar, jadi terharu banget. Pas sudah selesai pendarahan," cerita Lenggogeni Faruk.

Saat itu menurut Ustaz yang mendampingi kejadian itu tidak apa-apa. Pendarahan itu dikatakan masuk dalam kategori istihadhah.

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English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Still discussing Hajj Tariq, this time Geni Faruk's mother conveyed her fondest memories of taking her 2-month-old baby on the Hajj, Tariq.

Many people don't like what Tariq's mother said because she showed off her son for Hajj, even though from Geni Faruk's point of view it was a struggle that he was very proud of.

Not only did he say it, Geni Faruk also described that moment in a book he wrote in May 2015.

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The book is entitled Gen Halilintar Team: My Family My Team. 

The mother, who had given birth to 11 children, told how she, who had only given birth to Tariq Halilintar for 2 months, received a call to perform the Hajj.

Even when he received a Hajj visa, Lenggogeni Faruk was still postpartum. He also had doubts about whether he would actually be able to perform the Hajj in the future or not.

"So at that time, Mum was postpartum, so at that time she was actually nervous about getting out of the Hajj visa while she was still postpartum. Oh, what about when the Hajj season isn't clean yet? How come you've already paid, you can't do the Hajj there yet. It's 56 days to leave. But if it's already 60 days "clean, not clean, the fall was clean. When we left, it wasn't clean," said Lenggogeni Faruk in Mampang, Sunday, July 14 2024.

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When he arrived at the Nabawi Mosque, Medina, Lenggogeni could not enter because he was still postpartum. 

Exactly on the 60th day, Lenggogeni was able to enter Raudhah and go straight to Mecca to perform the Hajj.

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