Geni Faruk Terus Kenang Momen Thariq Dibawa Naik Haji Saat Usianya Masih Dua Bulan

Senin 15-07-2024,16:00 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

Lenggogeni Faruk felt happy to be able to carry out the Hajj pilgrimage. 

Although there was a feeling of nervousness, because it coincided with the Grand Hajj which made Geni feel very happy.

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"One was nervous, just when he was about to make tawaf, it was really busy for the Grand Hajj, 'Oh my God, is Tariq stressed or not? It's only been 2 months, Bi, what about it?'. Abi said what if we just stay on the second floor for the tawaf," he said.

Choosing to do tawaf on the second floor of the Grand Mosque, of course the distance covered will be longer. Likewise, when going to do sa'i, it was not easy for Lenggogeni Faruk, who had just given birth and was carrying a baby.

"After postpartum, we just had to walk with the baby. The sad thing was, when it was finished, it was connected to the sa'i. When I was at the sa'i, my mother remembered Siti Hajar, Siti Hajar couldn't bring Prophet Ismail, the milk was dry, right? - Oh my God, it was like this, Siti Hajar, I was really touched when the bleeding finished," said Lenggogeni Faruk.

At that time, according to Ustaz who accompanied the incident, it was okay. The bleeding is said to fall into the istihadhah category.

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