Tengku Dewi dan Andrew Sambut Kelahiran Anak Ke-2, Ini Harapan dan Pesan untuk Sang Putri!

Kamis 01-08-2024,10:30 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

Seperti yang diketahui, rumah tangga Tengku Dewi dan Andrew White kini tengah dalam proses perceraian. Keretakan rumah tangganya terjadi karena perselingkuhan yang dilakukan oleh Andrew.

Meski begitu, Andrew terlihat hadir dan tampak menggendong putri cantiknya itu. Andrew terlihat begitu senang dan bahagia menanti kehadiran sang putri tercinta.

Dalam akun Instagramnya, Andrew mengunggah kebersamaan ia bersama dengan Zeya di sebuah ruang bayi.

"Hey Baby Luv .. Zeya Savvanah Luv," tulis keterangan unggahan akun Instagram @andrewandika pada Rabu, 31 Juli 2024.


English Version:

Tengku Dewi and Andrew Welcome the Birth of Their 2nd Child, These Are Their Hopes and Messages for Their Daughter

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Happy news came from the couple Tengku Dewi Putri and Andrew Andika.

Tengku Dewi has just given birth to her second child named Zeya Savvanah Luv. The beautiful baby was born weighing 3.48 kg and 49 cm tall.

At the moment of her child's birth, Tengku Dewi gave her hope and a deep message.

Through her Instagram account, Tengku Dewi uploaded the happy moment. A portrait of the very adorable little princess can be seen.

Smiles and tears of joy are clearly depicted on her face. Tengku Dewi looks so grateful for the gift that has been given to her.

Tengku Dewi explained that the birth of her second child was a prayer for her, her brother and also her father that came true.

"Your birth today is one of the prayers that came true. Mama's prayer, Brother Eshan's prayer and Papa's prayer," wrote the caption of the upload on the Instagram account @tengkudewiputri_tdp on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

Tengku Dewi also expressed a deep message for her daughter that everything that happens in the future, then all plans can change.

"Whatever happens in life, Now or later, Plans after Plans can change," said Tengku Dewi.

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