Kejadian ini juga menjadi pelajaran bagi semua pihak untuk lebih waspada terhadap aksi kejahatan yang bisa terjadi kapan saja. Meskipun tindakan pencuri tersebut berakhir dengan tragis, namun tetap saja perbuatan mencuri adalah tindakan yang tidak bisa diterima dalam masyarakat.
Kejadian tragis di Kalimantan Tengah ini menjadi pembelajaran bagi semua pihak. Semoga kejadian seperti ini tidak terulang di masa mendatang dan kita semua bisa hidup aman dan tenteram tanpa adanya ancaman dari para pencuri yang hanya ingin mengambil hak orang lain secara tidak sah.
English Version:
Thief's Action in Central Kalimantan Ends Tragically: Head Stuck in Door and Dies on the Spot!
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - A rather tragic incident occurred in Tuyun Village, Mihing Raya District, Gunung Mas Regency (Gumas), Central Kalimantan (Kalteng).
A thief allegedly tried to enter a housing complex by breaking the lock and prying open the door.
However, his plan ended tragically when the thief's head was trapped in the door and he died on the spot.
Reported from an upload on the Instagram account @info.negri, this tragic incident occurred on Thursday, September 12, 2024. This incident shocked local residents who found the thief trapped in the door of the house.
It is known that the discovery of this body was in the former SMAN 1 Mihing Raya building. However, now the school building has been converted into a housing complex.
According to information, the victim, whose initials are DB (34), allegedly tried to enter the housing complex by breaking the lock and prying open the door. However, his plan to steal turned into a disaster for him.
While trying to open the door by breaking the lock and prying the door, the thief's head suddenly got stuck in the gap of the door. His attempt to free himself only made him even more trapped.
Police officers who arrived at the scene immediately conducted an investigation and stated that the victim died from lack of oxygen.
"It is suspected that the victim could not pull his head back, so he got trapped and died from lack of oxygen," said Gumas Police Chief AKBP Theodorus Priyo Santosa, through Sepang Police Chief Iptu Debby Soesilo, on Thursday, September 12, 2024.
The thief's death drew various reactions from netizens. Some of them warned that the Kalimantan area has strong mysticism.
"This is Kalimantan, man !!! Don't play around," commented netizens.