Ternyata Ini Pekerjaan Pengendara Xpander yang Tabrak Porsche di PIK, Gokilnya Siap Ganti Rugi Rp 5,7 M!

Siap Ganti Rugi Rp 5,7 M, Ternyata Ini Pekerjaan Pengendara Xpander yang Tabrak Porsche!-Tangkap Layar X @innovacommunity-Instagram
It turned out that the driver with the initials JS (42) admitted to working as an entrepreneur.
Unfortunately it is not known in what field his business operates
But it seems that JS's income from his job cannot be underestimated because he immediately promised to pay compensation after crashing into the Porsche showroom.
On the other hand, this case attracted increasing attention after it was revealed that the Xpander driver was under the influence of alcohol when the accident occurred.
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It seems that the alcohol content was also the reason why JS was unable to control his vehicle and ended up crashing into a Porsche showroom.
It is known that JS was under the influence of alcohol when he crashed his car into the Porsche.
Initially, JS drove the car from his house to the showroom in the PIK 2 area.
When asked whether JS often visited the showroom or not, the police did not know yet.
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JS is also believed to be from a wealthy group because he was caught wearing a beautiful number plate on his Xpander car.
At least JS had to spend up to millions of Rupiah to print police numbers without letters behind the numbers.
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